Two Areas Getting My Attention Currently --

Two Areas Getting My Attention Currently --

#1 -- Supporting Republican Dave Battaglia for Commissioner in Armstrong County. Look for posts below about Dave!

#2 -- Supporting legislation that would eliminate the school property tax as a means of funding education in favor of a fair tax, also known as the PA Coalition of Taxpayers Association (PCTA) Plan.

Anonymous comments are frowned upon. I am disallowing all comments with inappropriate content, such as name calling or foul language.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Do Some Thing!

If you are a conservative in South Buffalo Township, and want to be celebrating after the voting on November 2nd, I encourage you, "Talk to your neighbor." It's quite likely he's a conservative too! I remember back in the primary race, how many folks were outside and watching me knocking on doors and realizing they were surrounded by other Republicans. I had people asking, "So my neighbor is a Republican? I never knew." It was actually pretty exciting. And this time around, I'm talking to Democrats occasionally too and discovering some who are conservative as well. I did have one unique experience yesterday, when I stopped to ask a Republican neighbor if she'd let me put up some signs, and she said "No, she was voting with her union."

Well, I can understand that. I guess if I had a pension and felt it might end up on the chopping block, I'd be worried too. Tough fiscal problems are all around us. I believe conservatives, especially those like Pat Toomey, will have the knowledge and wisdom to find the best solutions. And, Jeff Pyle, in his debate against opponent Jo Ellen Bowman, made an interesting statement that he had come to feel the size and expense of the legislature in PA needed trimming. (Considering we have the second most expensive one in the nation, I was glad to hear that!) I'd love to see Jeff really tackling that!

Yesterday, I mailed out almost 100 postcards to South Buffalo neighbors and knocked on a number of doors, put up 12 signs, and had four men volunteer to work the poll on Tuesday! Hand-delivered supplies to other committee people, and helped with some other coordination, and worked the phone for a while.

All of us can do something. If you want to do something but feel you need a little help, training, moral support, materials? Just ask! For the first time in my lifetime, I am seeing the grassroots come alive! You want to be part of this, not an onlooker!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big Government - Not the Solution

At Center for American Heritage Peg Luksik shows what's wrong with the Democrats depiction of the evil rich vs the poor and needy and how government entitlement programs are never the solution to real people's problems.  --

It’s Magic

On October 25, 2010, in From the Kitchen Table, by peg
The woman was a single mother with two small children.  Her husband had decided that he didn’t want to be a father anymore and had left for parts unknown.  She worked two part time jobs and made just enough to avoid the welfare system.
Autumn arrived.  The tank on her oil furnace needed to be filled for the winter.  She filled out all the paperwork for energy assistance.  When her application was processed, she got a call from her case worker telling her that she did not qualify.  She made too much money to get help.
The woman was dumbfounded.  She asked what the income limit was.  The case worker quoted the number from the government chart.  The woman was over the limit by $1.00.  There would be no help provided, unless of course she wanted to quit her jobs, go a month with no income, and then re-apply.
Welcome to the wonderful world of government entitlement programs.
When the government talks about these programs, it always couches them in terms of how the evil rich owe their surplus income to the poor.  The proponents talk about millionaires who greedily hoard their fortunes while their neighbors go without the necessities of life.  The rhetoric is always emotional and the stories are always moving.
Until you actually begin working in the programs.
Then you find that they have “income guidelines” that determine who gets help and who doesn’t.  It does not matter where the income is obtained.  The only thing that matters is that the applicant meet the standard.
It’s like a government version of “Let’s Make a Deal”, where the contestant who gets the closest to the price without going over it wins.  In the program, people will bid one dollar lower, or higher, than their competitor in an effort not to cross the price line.
The government is more exact because pennies count.  So a person who makes $9,999.99 may qualify, while a person who makes $10,000 will be judged ineligible.  Who would have thought that the difference between rich and poor in America is one penny?
That penny must be magic.
The inevitable result of that magic penny is to deter people from trying to move up the economic scale.  A mom, faced with the choice between going onto the welfare rolls to have heat in her house or continuing to work several jobs but watching her children freeze, is going to choose welfare every time.
It wasn’t always this way.  When help was provided by churches and local benevolent organizations, decisions were made on a case-by-case basis.  The person needing help entered into a relationship with those providing it, and effort was generally rewarded.  Additional assistance was offered when necessary, in amounts that were appropriate to enhance the person’s efforts at achieving independence.
We are hearing mountains of rhetoric as this year’s campaign season winds down about the importance and necessity of maintaining all the government entitlement programs.  One wonders if the people doing the speaking have ever stood in the shoes of our young mother who just found out that the help those programs give to anyone who is actually trying to build a life is based on a magical penny.

Friday, October 15, 2010

We are an organization of almost 500 residents of Indiana County and Armstrong County, who trust and believe in the United States Constitution as the overriding authority for our government. Further, we believe that our government has neglected and ignored the stipulations of the United States Constitution. We are dedicated to seeing the Constitution restored to its proper place as the Supreme Law of the Land. We will work to that end as responsible citizens. We invite any and all others who believe that our nation has strayed from the original intent and focus of the Constitution to join with us to return the Constitution to its intended purpose as the guarantor for our liberty, our freedom, and our prosperity. or check us out on facebook!

Join us for a Debate between

 Candidates for PA District 60 –

 Republican Jeff Pyle, and Democrat, Jo Ellen Bowman

At Smith Complex, Home of the Indiana/Armstrong Patriots

October 21st, 2010 @ 7:00 pm

Directions to Smith Complex.  The address for the Smith Complex is 2340 Smith Road, Shelocta, Pa 15774 (for those of you who have a GPS). Coming from Indiana, take 422 West going towards Kittanning for about 9 miles. When you enter Elderton, at the Second intersection (Where Sandwich House and Elderton Market is) make a left turn going onto Girty Road. Stay on there for about 1 mile, when you come to a fork that says Smith Road, go straight onto Smith Road.  At the fork you will see a sign that says Smith Complex.  The Smith Complex is the third driveway on the left side.  There will be another Smith Complex sign on a pole.

And Join us again on
October  24th, 2010 @ Smith Complex
"In God We Trust" Prayer Revival

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don White introduces bill to limit abortion funding in Pa under healthcare reform

Of course, Planned Parenthood, my source for this info is not happy about this, but I applaud Senator White for his pro-life position!