Two Areas Getting My Attention Currently --

Two Areas Getting My Attention Currently --

#1 -- Supporting Republican Dave Battaglia for Commissioner in Armstrong County. Look for posts below about Dave!

#2 -- Supporting legislation that would eliminate the school property tax as a means of funding education in favor of a fair tax, also known as the PA Coalition of Taxpayers Association (PCTA) Plan.

Anonymous comments are frowned upon. I am disallowing all comments with inappropriate content, such as name calling or foul language.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How did your Representative Vote on Pension Bill 2497?

Commonwealth Foundation is the best place to get information you can trust and that will tell you the economic impact of what's going on in Harrisburg.  Check to see how your House Representative voted at the link below.  According to CF the Pension Bill approved in the House and sent on to Governor Rendell to sign "will delay payments into the pension fund.  What this means is that, compared to current law, taxpayers will now pay $12 billion less over the next 10 years, then $19 billion MORE over the next 14.  This is essentially pushing the costs onto the next generation. And this depends on 8% return on invesment, which is a rosy scenario"   This is like not paying your credit card bill for years! 

See how your legislator voted.

In the 60th District where I live, Rep Jeff Pyle voted yes and sent out an email to keep his constituents informed, in which he writes:
“I was pleased the speaker called the House back into session so that we could get this bill to the governor’s desk,” Pyle said. “Without changes to the current pension systems, taxpayers throughout the 60th District were faced with significant increases in their school property tax bills to help school districts fund investment losses. State government must take actions that protect taxpayers and this bill accomplishes this goal.”

Under House Bill 2497, changes that would be made to the pension systems include:

• Elimination of the lump sum option, which permits retiring employees to withdraw all of their contributions, while receiving a monthly benefit.
• Raises the retirement age from 60 to 65 for state employees and from 62 to 65 for school employees.
• Increases the vesting period from five years to 10 years.
• Reduces the benefit multiplier from 2.5 percent to 2 percent and from 3 percent to 2 percent for lawmakers, while maintaining the employee contribution rate of 6.25 percent for state employees and 7.5 percent for school employees.
• Capping the retirement benefit under the new plan at the member’s pre-retirement salary, regardless of how many years of service.
• Reduces the liabilities amortization period from 30 years to 24 years.
• Creation of a “shared risk” provision, which would shift investment losses to the employee instead of solely being borne by the taxpayer. The employee’s contribution would be adjusted periodically to reflect any poor investment performance by the fund.

“The changes included in this legislation will only apply to new state and school district employees. Contrary to many reports, those who are currently employed or retired will not be affected in any way,” Pyle said. “These changes will help the long-term health of the pension system to ensure that both funds are able to meet their future obligations.”


Fortunately Governor-elect Tom Corbett is said to be in favor of a 401-K type solution and I see that the Republican leadership, Mike Turzai and Sam Smith, both voted NO on this bill, which is a good sign.  I just hope that a lot of money is not wasted in implementing this legislation after Governor Rendell signs it and before real pension reform measures can be enacted!  I would say that letters of appreciation to the 31 representatives who did vote NO on this bill would be a good idea!

Monday, November 15, 2010

CF Reports "Lame Duck PA Legislature Passes Pension Bill 2497"

HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation expressed disappointment with today's passage of House Bill 2497, which defers significant pension costs on to future generations while failing to adequately reform the state's largest defined benefit pension systems.
"We attempted to bring fiscal sanity to the pension discussion, but the reality was that self-interested unions were successful in drowning out the voice of the taxpayers," said Matthew J. Brouillette, president and CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation.  "Despite arguments to the contrary, this bill didn't 'save' the taxpayers any money.  Taxes will still be going up with this 'reform' next year—$646M more just to pay for PSERS and SERS—and every year thereafter.  But it did prevent moving new employees into a Defined Contribution plan—a major victory for labor unions like PSEA, AFSCME and SEIU."
"Yet we remain hopeful that a new administration and new legislature will begin the process of fully reforming Harrisburg to protect the taxpayers in the future," said Brouillette.  "Many lawmakers voted for HB 2497 as the 'first step' to pension reform.  We look forward to working with lawmakers who understand this cannot be the final action, and with new leaders who understand the need for real pension reform and controlled spending."
# # #
The Commonwealth Foundation ( is an independent, non-profit public policy research and educational institute based in Harrisburg, PA.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Email Notification from PA Family Institute re vote on pension bill

Caution: ‘Lame-Duck' Session Ahead. State House Democrats called for one last voting day on Monday, November 15. Many Democrats and some Republicans are applauding this decision, stating that they will vote on an “important” pension reform bill. According to our friends at the Commonwealth Foundation, this bill is nothing more than a union pension bailout and does nothing but defer costs, creating a greater tax burden on the next generation. You can learn more from the Commonwealth Foundation. Legislators should wait until the new session begins and a real reform bill can be created to fix the state pension system. Note: So-called lame duck sessions are ripe for mischief because they allow lawmakers who are leaving office (by retirement or losing re-election) to cast votes for which they will not be accountable to the voting public!

More at --

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

House GOP Leadership Election Results Nov 9 2010 (117 pm)

House GOP Leadership Election Results
House Republican Leadership Results:
Speaker: Sam Smith (R-Jefferson)
Leader: Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny)
Appropriations Chairman: Bill Adolph (R-Delaware)
Whip: Stan Saylor (R-York)
Policy Chair: Dave Reed (R-Indiana)
Caucus Administrator: Dick Stevenson (R-Mercer)
Caucus Chair: Sandra Major (R-Susquehanna)
Caucus Secretary: Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery)

More information at --

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Voting Results for Pennsylvania and Individual Counties

November 2, 2010

South Buffalo East - Voting Statistics for Nov 2 2010 Election

57.13% of all registered voters cast their ballot!  I suspect this was an historic turnout!  There are 954 registered voters in our precinct, and 545 ballots were cast!

42 Democrats voted straight party
140 Republicans voted straight party

In the Senatorial race -- (531 votes were cast)
154 votes were cast for Dem Joe Sestak (29%)
374 votes were cast for Rep Pat Toomey (70.43%)

In the Governor/Lt Gov race -- (535 votes were cast)
134 votes were cast for Dem Onorato/Conklin (25.05%)
399 votes were cast for Rep Corbett/Cawley (74.58%)
There were also 2 write in votes

Representative for the Congressional District 12 -- (531 votes cast)
168 votes were cast for Dem Mark S. Critz (31.64%)
360 votes were cast for Rep Tim Burns (67.80%)
There were also 3 write in votes

Representative for the 60th District in the PA General Assembly (536 votes cast)
106 votes cast for Dem Jo Ellen Bowman (19.78%)
427 votes were cast for Rep Jeff Pyle (79.66%)

All of the high vote winners in all categories also won statewide with one exception.
Tim Burns won in South Buffalo as well as in Armstrong County, but lost statewide to Mark Critz.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tom Shaffer, Former Campaign Manager, for Rep Jeff Pyle Charged with Embezzling Funds

This article ( be of interest to those in the 60th PA district. Rep Jeff Pyle informed Armstrong County GOP committee members last night, Nov 4th, at their monthly meeting. He is interested in learning of any checks constituents wrote to People for Pyle as they may have been misappropriated by his former campaign manager.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Do Some Thing!

If you are a conservative in South Buffalo Township, and want to be celebrating after the voting on November 2nd, I encourage you, "Talk to your neighbor." It's quite likely he's a conservative too! I remember back in the primary race, how many folks were outside and watching me knocking on doors and realizing they were surrounded by other Republicans. I had people asking, "So my neighbor is a Republican? I never knew." It was actually pretty exciting. And this time around, I'm talking to Democrats occasionally too and discovering some who are conservative as well. I did have one unique experience yesterday, when I stopped to ask a Republican neighbor if she'd let me put up some signs, and she said "No, she was voting with her union."

Well, I can understand that. I guess if I had a pension and felt it might end up on the chopping block, I'd be worried too. Tough fiscal problems are all around us. I believe conservatives, especially those like Pat Toomey, will have the knowledge and wisdom to find the best solutions. And, Jeff Pyle, in his debate against opponent Jo Ellen Bowman, made an interesting statement that he had come to feel the size and expense of the legislature in PA needed trimming. (Considering we have the second most expensive one in the nation, I was glad to hear that!) I'd love to see Jeff really tackling that!

Yesterday, I mailed out almost 100 postcards to South Buffalo neighbors and knocked on a number of doors, put up 12 signs, and had four men volunteer to work the poll on Tuesday! Hand-delivered supplies to other committee people, and helped with some other coordination, and worked the phone for a while.

All of us can do something. If you want to do something but feel you need a little help, training, moral support, materials? Just ask! For the first time in my lifetime, I am seeing the grassroots come alive! You want to be part of this, not an onlooker!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big Government - Not the Solution

At Center for American Heritage Peg Luksik shows what's wrong with the Democrats depiction of the evil rich vs the poor and needy and how government entitlement programs are never the solution to real people's problems.  --

It’s Magic

On October 25, 2010, in From the Kitchen Table, by peg
The woman was a single mother with two small children.  Her husband had decided that he didn’t want to be a father anymore and had left for parts unknown.  She worked two part time jobs and made just enough to avoid the welfare system.
Autumn arrived.  The tank on her oil furnace needed to be filled for the winter.  She filled out all the paperwork for energy assistance.  When her application was processed, she got a call from her case worker telling her that she did not qualify.  She made too much money to get help.
The woman was dumbfounded.  She asked what the income limit was.  The case worker quoted the number from the government chart.  The woman was over the limit by $1.00.  There would be no help provided, unless of course she wanted to quit her jobs, go a month with no income, and then re-apply.
Welcome to the wonderful world of government entitlement programs.
When the government talks about these programs, it always couches them in terms of how the evil rich owe their surplus income to the poor.  The proponents talk about millionaires who greedily hoard their fortunes while their neighbors go without the necessities of life.  The rhetoric is always emotional and the stories are always moving.
Until you actually begin working in the programs.
Then you find that they have “income guidelines” that determine who gets help and who doesn’t.  It does not matter where the income is obtained.  The only thing that matters is that the applicant meet the standard.
It’s like a government version of “Let’s Make a Deal”, where the contestant who gets the closest to the price without going over it wins.  In the program, people will bid one dollar lower, or higher, than their competitor in an effort not to cross the price line.
The government is more exact because pennies count.  So a person who makes $9,999.99 may qualify, while a person who makes $10,000 will be judged ineligible.  Who would have thought that the difference between rich and poor in America is one penny?
That penny must be magic.
The inevitable result of that magic penny is to deter people from trying to move up the economic scale.  A mom, faced with the choice between going onto the welfare rolls to have heat in her house or continuing to work several jobs but watching her children freeze, is going to choose welfare every time.
It wasn’t always this way.  When help was provided by churches and local benevolent organizations, decisions were made on a case-by-case basis.  The person needing help entered into a relationship with those providing it, and effort was generally rewarded.  Additional assistance was offered when necessary, in amounts that were appropriate to enhance the person’s efforts at achieving independence.
We are hearing mountains of rhetoric as this year’s campaign season winds down about the importance and necessity of maintaining all the government entitlement programs.  One wonders if the people doing the speaking have ever stood in the shoes of our young mother who just found out that the help those programs give to anyone who is actually trying to build a life is based on a magical penny.

Friday, October 15, 2010

We are an organization of almost 500 residents of Indiana County and Armstrong County, who trust and believe in the United States Constitution as the overriding authority for our government. Further, we believe that our government has neglected and ignored the stipulations of the United States Constitution. We are dedicated to seeing the Constitution restored to its proper place as the Supreme Law of the Land. We will work to that end as responsible citizens. We invite any and all others who believe that our nation has strayed from the original intent and focus of the Constitution to join with us to return the Constitution to its intended purpose as the guarantor for our liberty, our freedom, and our prosperity. or check us out on facebook!

Join us for a Debate between

 Candidates for PA District 60 –

 Republican Jeff Pyle, and Democrat, Jo Ellen Bowman

At Smith Complex, Home of the Indiana/Armstrong Patriots

October 21st, 2010 @ 7:00 pm

Directions to Smith Complex.  The address for the Smith Complex is 2340 Smith Road, Shelocta, Pa 15774 (for those of you who have a GPS). Coming from Indiana, take 422 West going towards Kittanning for about 9 miles. When you enter Elderton, at the Second intersection (Where Sandwich House and Elderton Market is) make a left turn going onto Girty Road. Stay on there for about 1 mile, when you come to a fork that says Smith Road, go straight onto Smith Road.  At the fork you will see a sign that says Smith Complex.  The Smith Complex is the third driveway on the left side.  There will be another Smith Complex sign on a pole.

And Join us again on
October  24th, 2010 @ Smith Complex
"In God We Trust" Prayer Revival

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don White introduces bill to limit abortion funding in Pa under healthcare reform

Of course, Planned Parenthood, my source for this info is not happy about this, but I applaud Senator White for his pro-life position!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Take a Look at the Ballot for November - just plug in your zip code and street address at the end of this post

Dear Citizen Voter,

This may well be the most important election in our lifetime. Please consider voting on November 2nd for our conservative Republican candidates. We’ve had enough “hope and change”, now we hope for change!

Remaining the richest country in the world, it’s clear that revenue is not our problem! Spending and the over-extension of government are strangling liberty and free enterprise for the rich, the middle class, and the poor! So spend what you have – your vote – on November 2nd and spend it wisely to fill Harrisburg and Washington with our Republican candidates who are committed to protecting life and resources for our use and not theirs!

The most valuable thing we have to spend for the future is our Vote. Join us by Voting for Conservative Republicans and send a message that PA and Armstrong County are Hoping for Change!

In South Buffalo Township, here is your slate of conservative candidates:

2010 Republican Statewide Candidates
Pat Toomey for US Senate
Tim Burns for US Congress
(12th Congressional District )
Tom Corbett for Governor of PA
Jim Cawley for Lt Governor

PA 60th District
Jeff Pyle for State Representative


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Organizing America - Here's their strategy, what's yours?

As strange as it may seem, I somehow am included on OA's mailing list. Today, I received an email from David Plouffe with their campaign marching orders.
I thought many of you might be interested, especially in the fact that what they say is the most important thing you can do to get Democrats elected is to go and talk to your friends, your family, your co-workers and your neighbors. We need to print out their marching orders at the links they provide and counter every one of their claims!

Are you familiar with Glen Beck's 9/12 Project? If you saw the program when he introduced it, you know what he told Americans to do. He said go talk to your neighbors, sit down around the kitchen table and talk - talk to the same people to whom OA is saying "talk to them." Who will be more motivated to do this? Will it be conservative Americans, the ones who believe the Constitution and the principles contained in it and our Declaration of Independence are a sufficient basis for our government and that those principles are eternal and inalienable?

Here's the text and links contained in today's email, can we counter it? Can we talk to more people than Organizing America and ACORN can talk to?

Email from David Plouffe, Sept 12 2010:
Over the next two months, Organizing for America volunteers like you will talk to millions of voters about what's at stake this fall.
Our Vote 2010 goals are ambitious -- but meeting them is the only way President Obama will be able to continue moving our country forward with strong allies in Congress.
We know these one-on-one conversations are incredibly effective. In 2008, volunteers like you turned out millions of voters -- many for the first time. And in our increasingly fractured digital environment -- when so much competes for our time and attention -- conversations between friends, family members, and neighbors remain the most trusted and impactful method of political persuasion.
I have a tremendous amount of confidence in this strategy -- and you -- because I saw how it changed politics in 2008. You connected personally with more voters than any campaign in history -- and we won.
This year, the strategy is the same.
That's why we've put together resources to guide you in your conversations with voters this fall. It's time to get back out there and deliver our message again.

Check out these resources and gear up for the election season/

Now and over the next 51 days, President Obama is forcefully taking on the Republicans and making this case to voters in cities across the country. But he can't deliver this message alone.
Republicans are desperately trying to take over Congress by threatening to repeal the historic changes we've achieved together. That's it. Even if they weren't funded largely by special interests, theirs would be one of the most cynical campaigns I've seen in my decades of working in politics.
We know what Republicans will do if they win back control. Their ideas -- out of touch and favoring special interests -- reveal not only an astonishing lack of understanding of the challenges facing middle-class families, but a party that can define itself only in its united opposition to progress. Returning to Bush administration policies that drove our economy into a recession is not leadership – it’s negligence.
Over the last year and a half, President Obama and Democrats in Congress have stabilized our financial system, ended insurance company abuses, invested in private sector jobs, cut taxes for middle-class families, and established the strongest consumer financial protections in history.
Republicans stood on the sidelines and said "no."
A party that refuses to participate in tackling the enormous challenges facing our country does not deserve to lead.
You know this. I know this. Now let's get out there and tell our communities.

Please print out these resources for your reference this fall:

David Plouffe

P.S. -- Exciting news: This month and next, we're holding five major Moving America Forward Organizing Rallies with President Obama in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Nevada, and a special Commit to Vote Tele-Town Hall. Click here for more details.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A True Story - from a Blair County Republican, Lois Kaneshiki

Aug 5, 2010. Yesterday I began canvassing my neighborhood to register new voters.

One house I visited had no registered voters. I don't know the people well but I have spoken to the wife before and knew a little bit about them.

She answered and I asked her if they would like to register. She had never changed her address after moving (a couple years ago -- not uncommon) and her husband was not registered.

I offered to stay while she filled out her forms and I would take them in for her if she wanted. She invited me in and we all had a nice chat while she filled the forms out.

She asked her husband how he wanted to register and he said "Independent." (He was cooking dinner all the while.) I told him did he know that if he registered Independent he CANNOT vote in the Primary Election??

He did NOT know that. He registered REPUBLICAN.

How many Independents out there register that way because NO ONE TELLS THEM THEY CAN'T VOTE IN THE PRIMARY?

I felt very good about that visit and I am making a trip to the courthouse today to bring their forms in.

Can you imagine what we could accomplish if all the committee people were working their precincts?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Volunteers Needed for Door to Door Canvassing for Republican Slate

Back over a year ago, when Glenn Beck spoke of 9/12, the day after 9/11, when all Americans instinctively knew the right things to do to comfort and support one another, he suggested that people get to know their neighbors, sit down across the kitchen table and talk about what we believe. Out of this community building, he believed we could begin to rebuild our country. Fast forward past the 2008 election of Barack Obama and the dismantling of America as we had known her, and know that the 2010 elections are critical to bringing the nation back from its left leaning tilt before it completely topples.

The Republican Party is far from everything we would want it to be, but there are still "more of us" than there are of "them." By "them" I'm meaning people of power who are progressive, self-seekers who have not a clue about the sanctity of life and the eternal principles upon which this nation was founded and by which she brought light to the whole world. But we do, and we must be highly selective in who we vote for and we must show the world our power with a massively high voter turnout. We still do not have many candidates who stand apart in the way of the founding fathers, but within the Republican Party in our area, there are a few -- Pat Toomey, for example -- and the others are the best we have for now and will bring the tilting nation back towards the center at the least.

So, expect us to be knocking on your door and asking you not just to vote for our Republican slate but to join us in the campaign to bring PA and our nation back to the right!

Meanwhile, follow the candidates on the web and let others know of your support!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Joe Sestak -- On the wrong side of the plumb line -- as always

For Immediate Release—July 23, 2010

Toomey Calls on Sestak to Return Rangel Contributions and Hold Himself Accountable
Allentown – U.S. Senate candidate and former small business owner Pat Toomey called on Congressman Joe Sestak to live up to his own standard of accountability and return $12,000 in contributions from the ethically-challenged Rep. Charlie Rangel.
Yesterday, the bipartisan House Ethics Committee announced that Charlie Rangel is being charged with multiple ethics violations following a two-year investigation.
Over the past week, Congressman Sestak has refused to keep his pledge and return over $100,000 in contributions from people who received earmarks through his Congressional office, as reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer.
And so far, Congressman Sestak has refused to return at least $12,000 in donations from Rep. Rangel’s campaign committee and leadership PAC.

* Sestak accepted $2,000 from Rangel for Congress on September 18, 2006 (CQMoneyLine).
* Sestak accepted $5,000 from Charlie Rangel’s National Leadership PAC in 2008 (Open Secrets).
* Sestak accepted $5,000 from Charlie Rangel’s National Leadership PAC in 2006 (Open Secrets).

To make matters worse, Congressman Sestak has voted to back up the ethically challenged Rangel multiple times. When Sestak had the chance to save taxpayers $2 million and eliminate an earmark for the “Charlie Rangel Center for Public Service” in New York City, requested by Rep. Charlie Rangel, Congressman Sestak voted to keep the earmark (RC #678, 07/19/07). Now this “Charlie Rangel Center” is a subject of Rep. Rangel’s many ethics violations.
In addition, in October of 2009, Sestak voted against a measure to remove Rep. Rangel as chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee for the duration of the ethics investigation (RC #759, 10/07/09).
“Throughout the campaign, Congressman Sestak has spoken about accountability and putting principle over politics, but it is now becoming clear that his pledges and lofty promises are just hollow words from another Washington insider,” said Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik. “If Congressman Sestak is serious about holding himself accountable and putting principle over politics, he would return the $119, 650 he took in violation of his own pledge and he would return the $12,000 he took from Rep. Charlie Rangel.”

Paid for by Toomey for Senate

Trust and Obey ...for there's no other be happy in Jesus...but to trust and obey

Know this song? When I came to a more mature faith as a college student, I remember singing this song to myself quite a bit, and it still comes to my mind when I'm faced with a choice between right and wrong. I wish politicians would learn to sing it to themselves, at least all who profess Christ as Lord and Savior. Our job is just to do the right things, God takes charge after that. Results are his business! But, we all tend to want to control the outcomes. And, some Christians in politics argue the most vehemently about it.

In this election cycle, in the PA gubernatorial race, the Republican State Committee decided to endorse Tom Corbett. I don't know exactly what their reasoning was; perhaps, they felt it was so important to win the seat back from the Democrats that they wanted to get ahead of the game with an endorsed candidate, throwing all of their support his way right from the start. The result, however, is that they lost about 30% (someone will surely correct me if I have this number wrong) of the vote. And, by putting State Party money into a critical mailer against his opponent, Sam Rohrer (a Republican Congressman for the past 18 years), in the final days of the campaign, they have engendered more opposition for Attorney General Corbett and disillusionment with the Party. In the current awakened state of the American voter, Republican voters clearly understand that an attempt was made to disenfranchise them in the Primary. They clearly understand that in the few days before the Primary, their Party, the Republican Party, aggressively campaigned against another Republican and that this was wrong.

Tom Corbett would probably have won the Primary. Now, there's a percentage of Republican voters waging a write-in campaign for Sam Rohrer. They are organized and hope they can spread the message of hope for our State that they see in Sam; at the least, they believe that it is as important to our State and Country to understand that any attempt to disenfranchise them will not be tolerated as it is to elect a Republican governor. This brings us back to the understanding of Trust and Obey. There's a plumb line that clearly divides right from wrong and you have to be on one side or the other of the line.

Being "righteous" and "above reproach" at any level of government

If one knows anything about Judeo-Christian teaching, it is to always expect evil because the heart of man leans in that direction and that's why salvation does not come from us but from above.  So, in speaking of righteousness, I do not purport to be righteous, but we should all be able to recognize it and its opposite as well.

Consider this article, "Top RNC Official's Daughter's Firm Paid Thousands in Party Funds" from April 2010.  Humorous that the blog is entitled Plum Line:  I suppose it is in reference to the "plumb line" spoken of in Amos 7:8 where the LORD asks Amos, ""What do you see, Amos?" I (Amos) answered, "A plumb line." Then the Lord said, "I'm going to hold a plumb line in the middle of my people Israel. I will no longer overlook what they have done."  Here the plumb line is an exacting measure and a symbol of judgment according to righteousness (     ....Would you agree that if you were to hang a plumb line with everything on one side being "above reproach and completely righteous" and on the other side "being of questionable righteousness" that the daughter's firm benefittng from her father's position in the RNC would fall on the unrighteous side?

I believe that we who aspire to serve in the Republican Party and want to register more Republicans and win elections for our Republican candidates, must all act and operate on the righteous side of the plumb line.  We cannot be serving the Party in an elected, servant-like capacity with one hand, and then bill the Party for our services with the other. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Principles -- A Video from the Heritage Foundation

 The purpose of educating ourselves on the core principles upon which our nation was based has 4 objectives put forth by the Heritage Foundation:
  1. 1. To reorient American politics toward the First Principles of the American Founding.
  2. 2. To reshape public policy to reflect our constitutional framework of limited government.
  3. 3. To unify and revive a robust conservatism around, and in defense of, these core principles.
  4. 4. To provide the next generation with a strong foundation for learning and promoting our nation's founding principles.
I believe that it is within our families that we must know and teach to our children and relatives this important American history. If you are worried about your country's future, you need to understand her past and pass it on. If we don't know what we have lost, how will we restore it. Thanks to Malinda Oesterling for bringing this before the meeting of the Indiana Armstrong Patriots last night!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Return Rep Jeff Pyle to the PA House of Representatives!

Congressman Jeff Pyle deserves your support -- In Harrisburg he has made the common sense votes we need to rein in government, and,  at home here in the 60th, he has taken care of everything and everyone -- from clearing away stacks of putrifying road kill to helping individuals in dire situations to find hope and real solutions.  On top of that he understands that government needs to support industry and job creation, not strangle it!  His voting record is that of a true conservative.  Consider, for example, his position on a severance tax on Marcellus gas extraction as shown in this youtube video:

On top of this, Rep Pyle has created a great new website where you can do everything from volunteering to signing up for his golf outing at Lenape.  Check out some more of his youtubes too.

The only way to win is not to play....

Thank you, Mommy Life!

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 15 - 1st Regular Meeting of the ArmstrongGOP Committee

The Armstrong GOP Committee met in the Elks Lodge in Kittanning this evening with about 30 members attending as well as State Representative Jeff Pyle and the SW PA Coordinator for Tom Corbett for Governor campaign, Jeff Bell. Campaign materials are available and if you live in S Buffalo East precinct, I hope you will want to support our Republican slate. Pyle announced a new website --  that will make volunteering easy and outlines all the opportunities we have to support him.

The Armstrong Annual Republican Committee Picnic is scheduled for August 28th, 1-3 pm, at the Belmont Complex.  Food and Swimming are included with a $5.00 ticket.  Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with other conservative friends and come out and meet your GOP Committee people!  (I have tickets for sale, but, unfortunately, will not be at the picnic due to a commitment out of town.)

In August, stop by the Armstrong Republican Party booth at the Dayton Fair.  Committee people as well as members of the Republican Women's Group will be registering new voters, providing absentee ballots, and providing information about the conservative candidates you will want to elect in November.

In other business, Congressman Pyle warned against supporting HB 2405 that would increase the requirements for electricity to be generated from solar or wind  sources and raise the costs of energy for Pennsylvanians.  (As you can see at the Penn Future link, their website is attractive but they are not our friends!

Committeeman Steve Haasch asked if Secretary Tiffany Harkleroad would send out copies of the Minutes of Meetings to the membership, and Tiffany agreed to send these out in the future in PDF form.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

State Budget Bills Rely on Monies We Don't Actually Have

According to Penn Patriot blogger, Roberta Biros, Editor, Mercer County Conservatives, we've just had the wool pulled over our eyes if we think our General Assembly has done a better job for us this year in passing the State Budget.  Basically, Biros says it's a pile of garbage -- it is unconstitutional; relies on federal funds that don't yet exist and a tax on the extraction of Marcellus shale natural gas that is yet to be passed.  She also says the Republican-controlled Senate could have stopped the budget bill, but voted 37 - 13 to pass it! 

I tend to agree with Biros' personal view, "Anyone that voted FOR this budget made a conscious effort to pull the wool over the eyes of taxpayers. This is not a VALID budget . . . no matter how you look at it.

It is the responsibility of our legislators to make certain that the state government does not spend beyond its means. If we don’t have the money, we ought not to be spending it. Federal dollars that simply aren’t there should not be considered in the calculations, and tax revenues from Marcellus Shale should NOT be considered in the equations either. IF the tax on Marcellus Shale extraction is pushed through (in October), it will be the worst fiscal decision in Pennsylvania . . . ever!"

And, I appreciate the continued conservative and responsible voting of the 60th District's Representative Jeff Pyle who voted NO on this budget.  Senator Don White, on the other hand, voted Yes.  What are our "Republican" Senators thinking?

Other Budget News:
PA Independent - To have better fiscal information and revenue projections, the budget bill will set up an independent Fiscal Office   --  This is being lauded as a good thing, but makes me wonder who has been supplying the revenue projections to date that we can't trust and will we still keep paying them?

PA Independent - Budget Did Not Actually Pass on Time (Meaning we really had the wool pulled over our eyes and no one in Harrisburg thinks we're smart enough to know any better I guess.)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Always Read Beyond the Headlines

At the beginning of every year, I work out a budget for our family. Admittedly, we don't follow it as religously as we should, but the bottom line for our budget is our projected income. We don't *budget* to spend money we don't anticipate receiving.  We *budget* so we won't spend more than we have.  Not very complicated, really.

After reading a number of news reports about our State's budget for the next year, sounds like we still need to get the red-ink pen out.  State Budget Passes - but don't celebrate the event too quickly - see Sam Rohrer's analysis

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Former Leadership Reelected for another 4 year term - Congratulations due!

Mike Baker - Chairman (reelected)
Kirk Atwood - Vice Chairman (formerly Secretary, an appointed position)
Randy Cloak - Treasurer (formerly Vice Chairman)
And, new committee woman, Tiffany Harkleroad, was appointed Secretary

Our slate running against them -
Ron Davis - for Chairman (with a substantial resume in Republican politics in Allegheny County, including Bethel Park Chairman and a good run for County Chairman)
Myself, for Vice Chair - member PA Precinct Activists
Andy Evans - for Treasurer (CPA, Tax Collector in Kiski, and a long resume in his field)

The loss for us was not crushing personally but for righteousness and  principled leadership, it was, in my opinion.  More on this to come.

You definetely have to congratulate the winners though; they truly know what they are doing.  And, at the end of the meeting, Chairman Mike Baker announced he would be hiring an Executive Director for the Armstrong Republican Party!  How cool is that?

Congratulations to all the newly elected committee people also.  I believe between 60 and 70 came out to vote! 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Kicking People off the GOP Committee

I was just reading an interview of a young Republican author in the Pittsburgh-Trib back in 2009 and was struck by her talking about people being thrown out of the Party. Reminded me of the unpleasant email I received from the Armstrong GOP Committee's Secretary, Kirk Atwood, 30 hours after the end of the May 18th Primary. Our correspondence to that point had revolved around my request to obtain a copy of the committee's bylaws. Kirk digressed with a slam against Sam Rohrer, calling him a "pay jacker" and questioning how he could call himself a constitutionalist, but ended with informing me that I could and would be removed from the Committee if I did not support all the Republican candidates. 

I was not happy that Sam Rohrer lost in the primary, and I think that he still has an important message that should be heard, but that hardly makes me a renegade Republican, does it?

PA Senators May Be Willing to Oppose Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Contact Senators Casey and Specter - Ask Them to Protect Religious Liberty of Military
Please forward this email to family and friends!
Congress is contemplating the repeal of the Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell policy that has been in place in our military since 1993. The so-called Murphy amendment attached to the National Defense Authorization Act passed the House on May 27. It has passed out the Senate Armed Services committee and could be brought up for a floor vote before the full senate at anytime. President Obama has been pushing this legislation and will certainly sign it into law if it is passed.
We have been informed that Senators Bob Casey, Jr and Arlen Specter may hold pivotal votes and may be persuaded to vote against this measure – or better – they may work to prevent the bill from reaching the floor.
The Alliance Defense Fund developed the below bullet points that you can use to contact your senators to educate them on why this bill is not just about homosexuality but about basic religious freedoms that will be undermined if the bill is passed and signed into law. The rush to promote the homosexual agenda should not trump sound reasoning nor compromise military strength at the expense of individual religious liberties and fundamental constitutional rights.
Casey, Robert P., Jr.- (D - PA)
(202) 224-6324
Email through our Citizen Action Center.

Specter, Arlen - (D - PA)
Email through our Citizen Action Center.

Talking Points:
  • The small group of activists who are pushing to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ are conveniently ignoring the dramatic legal impact of the legislation upon the religious liberties of thousands of chaplains and service members. The legislation that Congress is considering puts at risk fundamental, constitutionally protected liberties, treating those rights as limited ‘privileges’ that can be taken away at any time.
  • Passing a law that elevates homosexual behavior to a protected class sets the military’s policy at direct odds with the moral teachings and beliefs of a significant group of military chaplains and service members. This conflict will likely have the effect of both pressuring service members and chaplains to alter their beliefs to accommodate military policy and marginalizing those whose religious beliefs will become equated with racism or sexism. Second, while religious exemptions are a standard feature of non-discrimination laws protecting homosexual behavior--so standard a feature, in fact, that their absence from the pending repeal legislation before the House and Senate is conspicuous--they are often only partially helpful in guarding religious liberty.
  • The impact of repeal will force chaplains to change their preaching, teaching, counseling, religious services, religious programs, hiring practices for ministry positions to obey the military’s new policy normalizing homosexual behavior.
  • Forcing chaplains to reject their religious beliefs on sexual morality and adopt the military’s new policy of normalized homosexuality will undermine the constitutionally-guaranteed free exercise rights of Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines by preventing chaplains from bringing the whole counsel of God to those individuals.  Further, it will establish an official government religion, where only religious teaching that meets government standards is allowed, eventually resulting in a chaplaincy that only represents liberal religious denominations.
  • Bible-believing chaplains and Service members will find themselves marginalized and even discharged from military service for simply trying to live their faith.
  • The First Amendment rights of troops who defend those rights for the rest of us should be non-negotiable--not an afterthought.
  • The nature of the proposed repeal is an alarming signal that religious liberty, free speech, and even national security have taken a back seat to the homosexual legal agenda.
Pennsylvania Family Council is a non-profit organization made possible through financial donations from our supporters. To donate to Pennsylvania Family Council, click here.
23 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 ~ Phone: 717-545-0600 ~ Fax: 717-545-8107 ~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 30th Deadline for PA Balanced Budget - pay no attention?

State Budget Deadline Approaching - same old, same old  It was this time last year that I really started paying attention to State news and writing Harrisburg.  Once you start breaking your own rules consistently, you really lose your moral compass, and I think we see this everywhere.  That's why we need all the new people in the political committees - not to be little worker bees, volunteers, or bystanders, but to become part of the process and readdress policy, re-establish party platforms based on timeless principles, and hold peoples' feet to the ground.. We also need to give a meaningful voice to our fellow Republicans -- the ones who live next door and down the road.  We have to find the right ideas that will lead Pennsylvania back onto solid ground.

Highly recommend watching the McTigue video. We all have to do the hard things sometimes, not continue doing the wrong things over and over thinking something will change! 

Also, development of the Marcellus Shale fields is the hope for PA economic recovery.  Imposing special taxes on its development is like puting a dog collar around its neck that can be tightened a notch or two every year until it can't breathe, dies, or somehow escapes!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Why I am Running for Vice Chairman of the Armstrong GOP Committee

If you've followed my blog posts from the beginning, obviously I have been concerned with the hidden nature of the committee and the number of unfilled seats as well as the reluctance of the Party to promote and educate their constutitents about the committee system.  As a County Coordinator for Sam Rohrer for Governor, I promoted not only Sam but also the county committee's existence and role in the election process. Many eyes were opened and people stepped forward to seek committee seats.  With that accomplished, my next goal is to bring Republicans together within the precincts, starting with my own. If this can be accomplished, what a strong foundation we can build!

In Armstrong County, the election of 108 committee people has almost tripled the membership from the previous year!   As someone who eagerly sought increased participation and representation, I am thrilled by the results.  This is the right kind of change!  Other changes are needed, and the first is to effect a change in leadership. A political machine has been ruining our Parties, Democratic and Republican, the only way to fix this is to remove the machine operators.  I believe there is ample evidence that our present leadership is just that.  The duly elected committemen and women must step up to restore integrity and honesty to the political process, identifying heroic men, dedicated to Constitutional principles to run our State, addressing the General Assembly on issues, and educating the electorate.  Of course, we are approaching the General Election and will want to heartily work to get out the vote for the Republican candidates, but we also want to make sure that they know we will hold them accountable - that their reelection is no longer guaranteed, that we are now ready to step up and lead the party.

I am supporting Ron Davis for Chairman. Ron moved to Armstrong a few years ago and has an enormous amount of experience in Republican Committee work from his years in Allegheny County. He knows how to bring people together and facilitate opposing interests to get real work accomplished with fairness to all. 

My resume is much more limited, but I too have a respect for individuals and want to see the Republican Party be the best it can be - which means being open, principled, and inclusive.  I firmly believe that if we do "the right things," great rewards will be forthcoming.  Manipulation, secretiveness, expediency, and cronyism are some of our enemies.  Our strength will come from the ideas, initiatives, talents, and leadership that each precinct representative will bring to the committee!  Viewing the Committee as a pyramid, the base is where it’s strength lies.  My vision for the Committee is that it is not led, but leads.  The power of the Committee should come from the Republican electors in the precincts, flowing through the Committee system, to impact candidates and incumbents from here to Washington.

Cut - a three letter word that Harrisburg can't seem to understand

Just finished listening to Maurice McTigue talk at a Constitutional Foundations breakfast. He was a leader in the New Zealand government when it had to do what PA needs to do.  They cut and chopped at the budget, and stopped all the enticements and entitlements and then watched as the country made a huge turnaround.

Here in PA almost every day, I see a report that Harrisburg continues to try to find ways to add taxes and increase revenues for itself at our expense.   New revenue ultimately comes out of our pockets and our pockets are emptying out, our investments are shrinking.  We must hammer on Harrisburg the message that we expect cutbacks and ride the backs of all candidates heading into the General Election as well.

But, we not only need to quit offering entitlements and special incentives, but also stop drooling in front of the Federal Trough because it's full of garbage.  Just look at money spent on the I-80 tolling project.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Something Else --

I strongly believe that whether it's in our personal, corporate, or political lives, we must do "the right things" and accept the results, which I believe will eventually turn out to be best scenarios.  This comes down to having faith in a God who is all powerful and good and enters into the story to save the day!  The story of the world is a long story; and as with many stories, there are parts where things appear to have gone haywire.  You will, however,  find the happy ending if you don't give up.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Republican Pride - Thought for the Day

I've called myself a Republican since I was in college or for roughly 40 years. More recently, I called myself a conservative to differentiate between moderate Republican and progressive Republican and Republicans who were no longer even prolife.  But the notion of being Republican always made me lift my chin just a little bit higher -- I am proud to be a Republican. I think the Republican principles of limited government, individual liberty, capitalism, etc., are right, based on fundamental principles discoverable in Nature and Nature's God.

Frankly, my first experience on the Armstrong Republican Committee greatly disappointed me. It was not a gathering anyone could be proud to be part of.  This was sort of a big deal for many of us who were new to the committee - running in an election, having our names on a ballot, and being elected. Naive maybe, but I am not embarrassed by it.  On the contrary, I think the three people sitting at the head table in the conference room ran a very sloppy meeting. Everything -- from their attempt to hold an illegal election to their dress, to their posture, to their language, to their rudeness -- was an embarrassment to the Grand Ole' Party!

1874 Harper Magazine Thomas Nash cartoon
Now that I do have the bylaws and have read through them, the bylaws are embarrassing as well. The first thing bylaws do is establish the group's purpose. It is an amazing and embarrassing fact that many of us ran for committee seats without being able to determine the purpose of the committee because we could not see the bylaws and were told ridiculous things, such as "put on a banquet" and "we don't need committee people, we need volunteers."  I didn't even know we were running for four year terms until after I'd turned in my petition signatures.  Surely the bylaws would enlighten me, but no. Not only is the purpose of the committee left undefined but also the rules by which business is to be conducted.  Thus, a sloppy meeting! Meetings without rules seldom go well and a sense of fairness to all members is virtually unobtainable.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Organizational Meeting of the Armstrong Republican Committee

The very first meeting of the newly elected Committee will be held in the County Courthouse Annex Conference Room on Thursday, June 3d, at 7 pm.

I wish I could invite my fellow Republicans to come watch their Party committee in action, but an email from Chairman, Michael T. Baker, indicates the meeting will be only "open to members of the republican committee of Armstrong county, officers thereof, and county wide elected republican officials."

And regarding the bylaws I've been asking to see since early March? Well,..."Copies of the bylaws and other pertinent items shall be distributed at this meeting." Nothing like allowing for a smooth transition. New members. with no information. having the election of officers for 4 year terms immediately thrust upon them at the same time they're receiving the bylaws. I think it's outrageous.

Chairman Baker has made two things plain to me so far - First, that I may look forwarding to helping with the Republican Banquet. Second, that I may serve the Committee by campaigning for every one of the Republican candidates....or else! Is this what I will find in the bylaws?

I rather imagine I could do both of those things w/o running in an election for a committee seat, but what do I know?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010 - Remember and Commit Yourself to Protect and Defend Liberty

I'm embarrassed to say I never realized Freeport had a Memorial Day Celebration. In the most recent past we've gone to the remembrance at the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies where our Zach is buried. Samantha knew there was something in Freeport this morning, and after a late night of grad parties, did get up so we could go, a bit late, but we got there. It was excellent -- superior in some ways to others we've been to that brought in the political figures.

Of course, maybe we missed that part, coming late. I hope all of us remember the sacrifices of our military and their families for over 200 years and recommit ourselves to keeping watch over our inalienable rights to Liberty and Justice in respect for those who've gone before. We must not slumber or sleep anymore but be vigilant and united and informed. And, we must teach our children the truths and ideals upon which our nation was founded.

Defending the American Cause

Friday, May 28, 2010


Participated in a teleconference the other night with 20 mostly-new Republican County Committee people from Blair, Armstrong, Berks, Bucks, Clearfield, Beaver, Chester, Indiana, Montgomery, Lancaster, Franklin, York, and Wyoming.

We discussed the importance of studying the county committee by-laws before the June organizational meeting, and considered the following:

County Committee by-laws

The by-laws is the governing document of your county committee. It will tell you who is elected to county committee, what voting districts they are elected in, how many are elected, and what years they are elected in.

The by-laws are public information because they dictate how the Primary Election is administered, and Primaries are tax-payer financed private elections in Pennsylvania.

Who should have a copy of the county committee by-laws?

The Board of Elections, Director of Elections, county committee Chair, Secretary, any officer of the county committee, and any member of the county committee should have a copy of the by-laws!

What information will I find in the by-laws?

The by-laws will contain information on when your organizational meeting will be conducted and what is done in the organizational meeting, what officers are elected, who is on the Executive Committee, how people can get appointed to committee, when meetings are held, what the term of office is, how the by-laws can be changed, how many members must be present to form a “quorum,” etc.

As a member of the committee, it is your duty to be familiar with the by-laws before you attend your first meeting. Make it your responsibility to make sure you have read them before you go!

(I, of course, after 2 months and 13 days of requesting a copy still do not have the bylaws for the Armstrong County Republican Committee. I do somewhat expect that all new committee members will receive a copy either at the June 3d meeting or sometime shortly before.)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Incredible Story of a Woman who won Special Election and the D & R Primaries for same seat in the PA House!

Hahn, Buxton Won Primaries for Both Parties
Face no opposition in November

Attend the June 3d Organizational Meeting of the Armstrong County Republican Committee

Bringing sunshine to the County Committee has always been my goal. There's no one better to do that than those of you interested enough to follow my blog as well as neighbors and friends in my precinct and in Armstrong County. If you can possibly come, please do - 7 pm on Thursday, June 3d, in the County Commissioners meeting room which is either in the Courthouse or Annex. When I get my official confirmation and invitation to the meeting, I'll confirm the meeting location/time. What a great way it could be to start this grassroots reform!

Seven Days to Go!

Two months and 12 days since I first requested a copy of the Armstrong County Committee's Bylaws and 7 days to go to the first meeting, the organizational meeting, where election of officers for 4 year terms will be conducted. Every bit of wisdom that has been tossed my way by committee people in numerous counties across the state and from friends around Pittsburgh who have served as committee people, even chairmen of committees, says "Get a copy of your County Committee's Bylaws." So, I have dutifully tried to do this. Wednesday's effort included contacting the office of my Congressman, Jeff Pyle, to ask for help. Hopefully, maybe tomorrow, I will get a call from them and be able to pick up the bylaws. What happened late this afternoon was that I got an email from Chairman, Mike Baker, with a handbook from Chairman Gleason, State Republican Committee, detailing by month and season, activities to support the campaigns of Republican candidates. After months of Coordinating Sam Rohrer's run for Governor, and working polls in previous elections, I'm fairly well familiar with these duties. Mr. Baker suggests this is all I need to be concerned about, and actually it's more than he originally thought I could handle when we first met - you know, "helping with the banquet."

Attention Other Armstrong Committee Members

Guess what? I got an official "handbook" through Mike Baker, our County Chairman, this afternoon detailing our duties. It'll be easy for most of us as it's all the things we've been doing for months for various candidates - getting people registered Republican, representing candidates at events, distributing absentee ballots, going door to door! This will be a cinch; in fact, I don't even know if we need to go to any committee meetings! Won't that be great! And we'll really be representing our precinct then too I am assured.

Let me know if you want me to send you a copy of the handbook because it's a keeper - has State Committee Chairman Gleason's signature and everything!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eight Days to Go

And 2 months and 11 days since I first requested a copy of the Armstrong Republican Committee's bylaws. Yesterday I was advised by a former chairman of the Schuylkill Republican Committee to request a copy of our bylaws from the State Republican Committee. A young intern answered the phone and said someone would get back to me. Hopefully, the phone rings and someone puts a copy in the mail to me. I've heard from others in different counties who've had experiences identical to mine.

It's unfortunate, but not accidental, that the first meeting of the Committee calls for the election of officers, and for 4 year terms.

Here's something I found rather astounding, but shows how ignorant I am (and you too, probably) about the local Committee. Someone who is not a member of the committee can be nominated and elected to be its Chairman.

Every county committee's bylaws are unique.

There are members of the committee who rarely if ever attend meetings and give their proxy to another member to vote!

Quite a few couples are elected to the committee, which can be looked at as a bad thing/good thing, actually.

I think the May 18th primary has upped the number of committee people, advancing my personal goal to see greater local participation in the party. The vote confirmations may be out on Friday.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Making a difference at the grassroots level

In regards to a Sam Rohrer write-in campaign, my focus is to be the best committee person I can be for my precinct, and I think the write-in idea is ill-advised. I am offended by Committee Secretary, Kirk Atwood, who, in a response on May 20th to an email of mine requesting, again, a copy of the bylaws, wrote, "Furthermore, there is a requirement that anyone found to not be supporting all Republicans in any election cycle can (and will) be removed from said committee." I resent being singled out about my commitment to the Republican Party. I fully expect to find my niche to help elect conservatives on the ballot in November.

But more importantly, the election process needs to be trustworthy and to that end, the role and workings of the political committees need to truly reflect all registered Republicans and be transparent. That will mean more people, more of "the folks," must step forward as I did to run for committee seats. Tea Partiers, Patriots, and 9/12ers should keep these committees in their sights! Go to their meetings, hold your committee accountable, get to know the committee people and let them know who you are! If no one is representing your committee, write a letter to your County Chairman. In Armstrong that is presently Michael T. Baker. Tell about yourself and ask to be appointed!

Is there trickery aplay?

I do not want to think this is the case, but have seen or heard this warning from former committee people, not necessarily in Armstrong County, but Western PA counties -- "new members are often tricked or controlled at meetings because they don’t know the bylaws." I am trying to do the responsible thing. Why? Because information is power, but more importantly, the withholding of information is even more powerful for those in the know. I cannot forget that the day a petition was begun for me to run for this committee seat, I asked the Chairman of the Committee, Mike Baker, "If I were on the committee, what would my responsibilities be?" His answer, "Oh, you'd probably help with the spring banquet?" No one runs in an election administered by the State/County to put on a banquet!

It is exactly 2 months since I sent my first email (which was preceded by a number of phone calls) requesting a copy of the bylaws. The first meeting of the newly elected Armstrong County - an "organizational" meeting - will be held on June 3d - 10 days to go.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Sad Saga of my "quest" to obtain a copy of the Committee's Bylaws

On March 24th 2010 I sent my first email to Armstrong County Republican Committee Chairman, Mike Baker, requesting a copy of the committee's bylaws since I was running for a seat on the committee. Other emails followed back and forth, but now 14 days before our first meeting, when I understand we *must* according to the bylaws elect officers, I still do not have a copy of these bylaws. At one point I was told a copy would be provided to the Voter Registration/Election Board office in the courthouse/annex. As of today, no copy is in their possession.

These bylaws are on someone's computer and could have easily been emailed to me, I would think. How does the Election Board administer the election without a copy of the bylaws - do they just follow the oral instructions of the Committee Chairman? Why was I told back in late March/early April that a precinct's two seats did not have to be one woman/one man, but another new committee man after believing he'd won a seat as 2nd highest vote-getter is being told it does have to be one woman/one man? Who will certify who the winners of the committee seat are? Will it be the Committee Chairman, Mike Baker, or the head of the Election Board, Wendy Buzzard?

Do you believe the bylaws for your County Republican Committee should be available to any registered Republican within the county? There appears to be a very definite lack of sunshine at the local level of Republican politics!

Article speculates "Rohrer Supporters Might Not Back Corbett"

Eric Boehm Battle to Close Ranks Begins for Corbett, Onorato

Randy Potter on Republican Party Politics and Endorsements

Open letter to the PA Republican Party

Tom Corbett upset by critical tweets wants to prosecute?

After a significant win in the primary yesterday in the PA Gubernatorial race, I was surprised to find this story when searching TC --
Pennsylvania Attorney General Tries to Unmask Twitter Critics * By David Kravets * May 19, 2010

ACLU supporting the privacy of Twitterers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Election Results - Armstrong County

It is good news for our South Buffalo E precinct that we will have representation on the Armstrong County Republican Committee for the next 4 years after having no representation during the previous term. Jason Renshaw received 186 votes and I received 156 and there were three write-ins. I thank you for your support and look forward to representing my fellow Republicans locally. From knocking on doors in the precinct and talking to voters at the poll yesterday, I realize how little we all know about the County Committee. My ambition is to change this.

Complete election results by precinct: Election Results

To find your precinct, use the number in the list below and search within the sublinks:

  • 1. Apollo Boro
  • 2. Applewold Boro
  • 3. Atwood Boro
  • 4. Bethel Twp
  • 5. Boggs Twp
  • 6. Bradys Bend Twp
  • 7. Burrell Twp
  • 8. Cadogan Twp
  • 9. Cowanshannock Twp – East
  • 10. Cowanshannock Twp – West
  • 11. Cowanshannock Twp – Sagamore
  • 12. Dayton Boro
  • 13. East Franklin Twp – North
  • 14. East Franklin Twp – East
  • 15. East Franklin Twp – West
  • 16. Elderton Boro
  • 17. Ford City Boro – 1st Ward North
  • 18. Ford City Boro – 1st Ward South
  • 19. Ford City Boro – 2nd Ward North
  • 20. Ford City Boro – 2nd Ward South
  • 21. Ford Cliff Boro
  • 22. Freeport Boro - #1
  • 23. Freeport Boro - #2
  • 24. Gilpin Twp – #1
  • 25. Gilpin Twp – #2 Schenley
  • 26. Hovey Twp
  • 27. Kiski Twp – Horrell
  • 28. Kiski Twp – Orchard Hills North
  • 29. Kiski Twp – Orchard Hills South
  • 30. Kiski Twp – Spring Church
  • 31. Kittanning Boro – 1st Ward
  • 32. Kittanning Boro – 2nd Ward
  • 33. Kittanning Boro – 3rd Ward
  • 34. Kittanning Boro – 4th Ward
  • 35. Kittanning Twp
  • 36. Leechburg Boro #1
  • 37. Leechburg Boro #2
  • 38. Madison Twp
  • 39. Mahoning Twp
  • 40. Manor Twp – North
  • 41. Manor Twp – South #1
  • 42. Manor Twp – South #2
  • 44. North Apollo Boro
  • 45. North Buffalo Twp – East
  • 46. North Buffalo Twp – West
  • 47. Parker City – 1st Ward
  • 48. Parker City – 2nd Ward
  • 49. Parks Twp – Kepple Hill
  • 50. Parks Twp – N Vandergrift
  • 51. Parks Twp – West
  • 52. Perry Twp
  • 53. Pine Twp
  • 54. Plumcreek Twp
  • 55. Rayburn Twp
  • 56. Redbank Twp
  • 57. Rural Valley Boro
  • 58. South Bend Twp
  • 59. South Bethlehem Twp
  • 60. South Buffalo Twp – East
  • 61. South Buffalo Twp – West
  • 62. Sugarcreek Twp
  • 63. Valley Twp
  • 64. Washington Twp
  • 65. Wayne Twp
  • 66. West Franklin Twp
  • 67. West Kittanning Boro
  • 68. Worthington Boro
  • Wednesday, March 31, 2010

    Power of the Party Concentrated in the Very Few!

    To the best of my knowledge, the concentration of power in the few is true across all of Pennsylvania and the United States for both the Republican and Democratic Parties. In Armstrong County, 74 voting precincts exist for which two committee people can be chosen to represent each precinct. These committee members make up the Armstrong Republican County Committee. The Voter Registration office up in Kittanning has a record of how many people are running for the precinct committee seats. Only 22 of the 74 precincts have people running. That means only 22 precincts will have any representation!

    Fortunately, South Buffalo East precinct has someone running for both seats! Across the Freeport Road, South Buffalo West has no one running.

    Monday, March 29, 2010

    Power of the Party?

    Hijacking the Primary
    Endorsements seem problematic to me prior to the Primaries. I'm bothered by the Party endorsing Tom Corbett for Governor, for example. I believe that tends to disenfranchise me, and that the right thing to do would be to let the Republican voters choose their favorite in the Primary and then the Party should endorse that person and bring all its power and resources to support the people's choice. That's the bottom line for me, you have to trust the voters - no playing God allowed!

    I was actually a delegate to the special election where Tim Burns won against Russell for the Interim Candidate endorsement in a vote that was around 85 to 45. I think the process was not the most unbiased one that could have been used.

    Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Let it Begin with US ----

    On May 18th 2010 the Republican voters of the South Buffalo East voting precinct will elect two Committee Members. I am running for one of the two seats. Currently the seats are not filled. With your votes and barring any unforeseen circumstances, I will represent you on the Armstrong County Committee. The County Committee will be represented on the State Committee; State Committee will have representation on the Republican National Committee. These committees are the powerbrokers of government. Working through the committee structure is more powerful than millions of letters, faxes, and phone calls to try to change a political agenda. The agenda, the candidates, elections, policy come about through the Party committees and can result in a Pelosi or Reid if you’re a Democrat.

    There are many precinct committee seats that are vacant in Armstrong County, and elsewhere. I’m working to identify these seats and encourage people to step up and fill them. Here in SB E (South Buffalo East precinct), I’d like to see the Republican Party get organized. What do we agree on? What’s important to us? Where can we have an impact to improve government and restore, where necessary, sound Constitutional principles and fiscal responsibility? Can we speak with one voice to our elected representatives and achieve mutual respect?

    I have much to learn. I hope that I will get to know most of you and that together we will obtain a greater level of organization to insure that SB E continues to be a community of conservatively-minded, free, fiscally and morally responsible Americans with charity and respect for God and each other.