Two Areas Getting My Attention Currently --

Two Areas Getting My Attention Currently --

#1 -- Supporting Republican Dave Battaglia for Commissioner in Armstrong County. Look for posts below about Dave!

#2 -- Supporting legislation that would eliminate the school property tax as a means of funding education in favor of a fair tax, also known as the PA Coalition of Taxpayers Association (PCTA) Plan.

Anonymous comments are frowned upon. I am disallowing all comments with inappropriate content, such as name calling or foul language.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Take a Look at the Ballot for November - just plug in your zip code and street address at the end of this post

Dear Citizen Voter,

This may well be the most important election in our lifetime. Please consider voting on November 2nd for our conservative Republican candidates. We’ve had enough “hope and change”, now we hope for change!

Remaining the richest country in the world, it’s clear that revenue is not our problem! Spending and the over-extension of government are strangling liberty and free enterprise for the rich, the middle class, and the poor! So spend what you have – your vote – on November 2nd and spend it wisely to fill Harrisburg and Washington with our Republican candidates who are committed to protecting life and resources for our use and not theirs!

The most valuable thing we have to spend for the future is our Vote. Join us by Voting for Conservative Republicans and send a message that PA and Armstrong County are Hoping for Change!

In South Buffalo Township, here is your slate of conservative candidates:

2010 Republican Statewide Candidates
Pat Toomey for US Senate
Tim Burns for US Congress
(12th Congressional District )
Tom Corbett for Governor of PA
Jim Cawley for Lt Governor

PA 60th District
Jeff Pyle for State Representative


1 comment:

  1. Your write up is good. It is strong sensible and simple enough to be understood by those who are not into politics. Great Job!
